Articles of association
§ 1
The company's registered name is Blommenholm Industrier AS.
§ 2
The company shall have its registered office in Oslo.
§ 3
Blommenholm Industrier (BI) is an investment company fully owned by the Tinius Trust.
The company is responsible for managing its capital in a long-term and sound manner that ensures free and independent editing of the newspapers owned by the Group and its subsidiaries involved in editorial operations.
The Schibsted Group is to strive for quality and credibility in all its publications, and defend values such as religious freedom, tolerance, human rights and democratic principles.
§ 4
The share capital is NOK 1,600,000 divided into 800,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of NOK 2 each.
§ 5
The company’s Board of Directors shall consist of 3-5 members. The company's signatory authority is vested jointly in the chairperson of the board and one other board member.
§ 6
The dividend policy shall at all times reflect the company's financial and strategic position.
§ 7
The Annual General Meeting shall address the following matters:
1. Approval of the income statement and balance sheet.
2. Allocation of the annual profit or covering of losses in accordance with the approved balance sheet, as well as the distribution of dividends.
3. Election of the Board of Directors.
4. Any other matters that are required by law to be addressed by the General Meeting.