About us

Blommenholm Industrier AS (BI) is a holding company owned by the Tinius Trust. The primary responsibility of the Tinius Trust is to ensure the prudent development of Schibsted Media.
The Board of Directors of BI is responsible for ensuring sound financial management of the company’s assets. This includes developing governance tools for capital allocation and risk management, as well as ensuring adequate liquidity and financing for Schibsted Media within the framework set by the Tinius Trust.
The Tinius Trust is open to acquisitions within the media sector, limited to our liquid assets without the sale of shares in Schibsted Marketplaces. We are prepared to act as an anchor investor in Schibsted Marketplaces over the next two years. The key structural priority for Schibsted Media over the next two-year period will be to consolidate its position as the leading media company in Norway and Sweden.
BI aims to be a competent and proactive owner of classified advertising operations. The Board of BI should have expertise in business financing, management of interest rates and shares, and knowledge of classified advertising or similar/related businesses.
Blommenholm Industrier's activities are overseen by a board of five individuals. Trond Berger serves as Executive Chairman. The remaining board members include Roy Myklebust, Eline Stokstad Fjell, Karl-Christian Agerup, and Anette Juel Knudtzon.
According to the articles of association of Schibsted Marketplaces, BI has the right to appoint one member to the group board of the company. Karl-Christian Agerup represents BI and has been elected Chairman of the Board of Schibsted Marketplaces.
As the largest shareholder, BI also participates in the nomination committee for Schibsted Marketplaces. Trond Berger has been appointed as the chair of this committee.